Monday, October 4, 2010

The Secret is Out...

(Bob and I at the announcement dinner)
The secret is officially out we told both sets of families on Saturday October 2. Bob and I arrived in town and met both of our families at Blackbeard's. The restaurant choice was mine and not a very good one being that I was car sick the whole way down and it is a seafood place. Despite the nausea I was able to eat and enjoy dinner. I spent months thinking how I was going to tell them and Bob really wanted to tell everyone together.  Back in September I found really cute grandparent-to-be cards around Grandparents Day so I got one for each grandparent and great grandparent. We arrived at dinner and not to long after sitting down we gave the cards out. I would not have traded the expressions on their face for anything it was totally worth waiting to tell them. The card did not mention one little detail, that we were having twins. So as the shock began to settle a little I pulled a frame from my purse that said "Thanks heaven for little babies" and it held a picture of our sonogram of the twins. They were stunned!
 We had such a great night that night. Later on we told my grandfather and Bob's grandmother the good news since they were unable to join us for dinner. Everyone is excited and these babies are going to have one of the best families in the world!

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